This paper presents an overview of the causes of the different lesions in the body as a result of overuse or misuse of the various elements of the PC.
supplement for better understanding the recommendations for each item, as well as the ergonomics interactive link in front of the PC .
Vision problems have many causes including:
Sitting too close to the monitor may cause myopia. The ideal distance between the user and the monitor should not be less than 40cms from the user's eyes.
The top of monitor should be at eye level of the individual and it must look ahead. If the monitor is above recommended levels, it contributes to eyestrain and neck muscles . Some experts argue that the monitor should be lower than eye level angle of view because this involves less stress.
irritation and eyestrain: often caused by the glare and reflections from the monitor screen that hinder reading eyes requiring additional effort. Although the monitors reflect all types of brightness, problems generally have to do with inadequate lighting space or the accumulation of dust and dirt on the screen. Ideally, computers should be placed perpendicular to windows to eliminate the problem. Also must have lighting that will help both working on the computer and on the board and to meet these two requirements would be necessary to use overhead lighting (fluorescent white).
Another problem that can cause the computer work for long hours without rest is dry eyes. This can be addressed with refreshing eye drops but it is more prudent to take short breaks after each hour of work.
The pain and varying degrees of stress bring out the neck muscle problems caused by:
steep base of the neck: This problem occurs most frequently when referring to documents that are low on the work surface or when the monitor is too low. Fix using a document holder or other item to upload and lift the monitor by placing something under this until the top is at eye level.
Back bent, examine the level of the chair, may be either too high or too low.
Chin up: the monitor or documents may be very high, one option is to download or slightly reclined chair. Another possibility is to have a vision problem and is trying to compensate for that. See your ophthalmologist.
The long neck moves sideways and there is fatigue, stress or pain. In this case, generally, is working with the monitor that is located a side of the desk, far from the eyes. Tip approach the work item to the center of vision and always be careful not to locate on the same side, switch sides.
The tired or sore shoulders is generally caused by poor posture, it causes muscle tension, and evidence because the shoulders are very raised or backward with respect to the body:
If the shoulders are too high in general this is because the work surface is very high, in that case you can lower the keyboard, desk, lift chair or put a foot support.
elbows rest on the armrests that are too high. To solve this problem remove or lower the armrests or a little, change of seat.
The back of the chair is too high, lower it
If too tight, this is reflected in the shoulders. Tip drop the shoulders, let your arms hang for a while, make circular movements shoulders, repeat several times.
Shoulders far behind; explore whether the keyboard is very close and if so push it forward. Check your posture, it is advisable to sit upright with his head in a straight line from the body.
the lesions ones that appear on the back and legs, usually pain different intensity are caused by:
Muscle tension or poor posture, and have much to do with the setting that you can make the furniture with which it works. The key to avoiding this trouble is to work in a comfortable position in which the body is relaxed and no tension on muscles and tendons. We refer in the preceding paragraph and the importance of checking the height to which must be the keyboard, we want to add emphasis on the importance of using an adjustable chair that adequately support the lower back and a height allow the person to comfortably support your feet on the ground to prevent circulatory problems among others.
Seat inappropriate: It is desirable that the seat has rounded edges to avoid traffic problems in the thighs. In short it is important that the chair: It can be adjusted (up and down), provides support for the lower back (not recommended to use with no back seat), the seat should be padded and have rounded edges, the arms if any, should be adjustable.
Incorrect posture. Assume the correct posture: back against the back of the chair, feet touching the ground, arms and wrists straight.
Like most of the work being done on the computer involving the use of mouse and keyboard, is in the hands where the repetitive stress injuries are found most frequently:
These injuries are caused by repetitive work, poor posture or the use of inadequate (eg adult mice for use by children) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most widely in recent years. For this tunnel, located on the wrist turn formed by eight small bones, passes the packet of ligaments, tendons and nerves with which the hand moves. It also involves the median nerve that connects the brain to the neck, arm, wrist and hand. In the above syndrome the nerve is pressed by inflammation of the tendons and the person begins to feel numbness and pain in the arm and hand. How to make the bone tunnel hole does not expand and the pressure is constant. The pain may increase over time until it becomes disabling. The pressure can be generated by repetitive motion (click the mouse) or work for long periods with the wrist in awkward position (keyboards somewhat or very raised).
To help avoid these problems is necessary that the keypad is located below the elbows, on a flat surface with an inclination between 10 and 15 degrees, place the keyboard to use so that your wrists are straight; use the keyboard with all fingers to avoid concentrating the effort and pressure on only some of them to write on the keyboard to move the entire arm and not bend your wrists to reach the keys or the cursor.
The location of the mouse to the keyboard is also important to be located to the right of it and if the user is left handed. Another caution is that most mice are designed for use by adults and can cause problems in the hands of children, for that reason it is desirable that the institutions had mice of different sizes.
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